The congregation of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist was founded in the year 1878 in Italy, by Blessed Alfonso Maria Fusco for the education and instruction of orphans and needy children. Four young girls who had a special experience of God urging them to live together a life of dedication and commitment joined Blessed Fusco in his mission. Thus living in communion they became sensitive to the needs of the people around and responded enthusiastically to their call to care of the orphans, to educate and to undertake other forms of service.
Through the ages the sisters persevered in their mission with faith in God, heroic courage and optimism. These beloved daughters of blessed Fusco consecrated themselves to God to continue the precious heritage of their Father, through and intense spiritual life which gives witness to an authentic charity, Gospel simplicity, unblemished purity, faithful obedience, joyful abandonment to the divine providence, openness of hearts, daily dedication, an inexhaustible creativity and characteristic love in meeting the spiritual and material needs of people all over the world. Today the mission is carried out by the sisters, serving the poor and the less privileged all around the world in 17 countries. The nursery school was opened in the year 1999.We acknowledge this our first challenging venture in Pooparamba for the people in the locality.